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the undersigned

1) declares, under its own responsibility, to be in good health and to exonerate the Center from all civil and criminal liability relating to and consequent to the assessment of the aforementioned state of health

2) undertakes to assume, under penalty of exclusion from the Center, a behavior that complies with the principles of sporting loyalty and fairness both during matches and in general within the Center and not to assume, in any case, behavior contrary to the law and to the rules of the regulation that could endanger their own or others' safety

3) relieves the organization of any direct or indirect liability for any material and non-material damage and / or expenses (including legal fees), which may arise from it, also as a result of its behavior

4) relieves the organization of any direct or indirect liability for any material and non-material damage and / or expenses (including legal fees), which it may cause to third parties (people or things) as a result of its behavior

5) undertakes to use the equipment, both its own and rented by the Center, in the appropriate manner and, in case of breakage of equipment rented, refund the Center

6) undertakes to access the Center and sports activities without having taken psychotropic substances or alcohol

7) relieves the organizers from any responsibility related to theft and / or damage to any personal object left unattended inside the Center. In relation to this point, specific Safe Deposit Boxes are available to be requested from the Centre's secretariat.

8) undertakes to end the game session when the notice of the end of the game time is issued

declares to have read the regulation, to accept it in all its parts and to respect the rules

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The writer declares under his own responsibility to be of healthy and robust physical constitution, with no contraindications whatsoever to sports in general.

He also declare that I have not had any medical indications that prevent or make it inadvisable or place limits on any motor and sports practice in general, and I am obliged to inform the center in case of a change in my state of health.

I also declare to exonerate the Center and all it's managers and representatives from any and all liability, whether civil or criminal, or of any other nature, regarding the exercise of motor and sporting activity, whether it is practiced in an official event, competition or exhibition, both during training / course, in sports facilities.

I also declare to authorize the Center, in the event of illness and / or accident, to provide the required aid and to give consent for any hospitalization in a hospital and to pay any expenses that may be anticipated by the Center.

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The Participant gives consent to the processing specified in the information, authorizing the sending of information material relating to subsequent events or various initiatives proposed by the organizers and authorizes any photographic and cinematographic recordings for the production of videos, bulletin boards, publication in printed paper and web (including download).

The personal data of the members are treated in accordance with the regulations. Personal data are collected at the time of registration and are provided directly by the interested parties. Failure to provide personal data will make it impossible to accept the registration itself. The data is processed electronically by the Organizer, for all related obligations. In relation to any sensitive data contained therein, subscribers are required to express their consent for the processing of such sensitive data. The communication, dissemination, transmission of sensitive data is not envisaged.

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1) The Center will provide certified equipment for specific sports activities and in perfect working order and maintenance

2) The transferee must use the hired equipment with the necessary care;

3) Any breakage, damage or other found when returning the equipment that requires repair will be responsibility of the person who hired the equipment;

4) For each day of delay in the return of the rented equipment, the amount corresponding to the rental days will be due;

5) In the event of non-use of the equipment for personal reasons, no refund of the price paid for the rental is due;

6) The transferee declares to have personally checked the integrity and completeness of the equipment delivered to me at the time of delivery;

7) The transferee declares to have personally checked at the time of delivery the perfect functioning of the equipment delivered to me.

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